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MIssion and VIsion

Mission and Vision

Raising Standards; Strengthening Interventions: With P.R.I.D.E. No Inmates Left Behind


Operation P.R.I.D.E. was created with a mission and vision to lead and encourage youth and adults, especially inmates, into a personal and growing relationship with Common Sense and P.R.I.D.E. by encouraging them to maximize and pursue the following creed:


P: Purpose: Develop a purpose that is positive and to which you are fully committed

R: Respect: Practice and learn to respect themselves as well as others regardless of race, background, religion or sexuality

I: Integrity: Practice truth, honesty and loyalty to your purpose regardless of the cost

D: Determination and Discipline: These two qualities must never cease as you develop and solidify your purpose

E: Enthusiasm (Enthuse): Be proactive to integrate the above rites of passage to ensure and bring solidarity to your spirit of God-given purpose


These five characteristics are aimed to create a continuous cycle of achievement in future success. These characteristics will assist in developing life skills ranging from effective decision-making to leadership and business-management. Although this will be a slow and steady process that will take time and patience with yourself and others, you must be willing to put in the effort to receive the reward.

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