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Never Forget

Inmates must remember and never forget


The pharaoh of Egypt vs Moses


Satin’s Arms are too short to Box with God


Remember, there was no way that the Pharaoh of Egypt was going

to let all the Hebrew slaves go just because Moses demanded it.

After all, the children of Israel had served Egypt for hundreds of years.

They had built cities, monuments, tombs, palaces, and all kinds of structures.

Why would Egypt let their work force leave?


But God had a plan and God had a man… Moses.

And through a series of GREAT MIRACLES,

Pharaoh finally let the people go.


Now, that was only the beginning of Israel’s miraculous deliverance.

Not only were some two and a half million Hebrews delivered from slavery,

but in addition, there was not a sick or weak one among them.


And that’s not all. They took with them the silver, gold, and precious things

from all the Egyptian households. No… they didn’t steal it.

God simply put it all in their hands. One day they were paupers…

the next day they were multimillionaires.

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